Is PrEP right for you?
This resource answers key questions about PrEP and includes helpful tips for using PrEP safely and effectively.
This guide answers common questions about using PrEP and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), and whether PrEP or PEP might be good options for your sexual health.
This brief tool asks questions that can help you decide whether you should talk to a healthcare provider about starting PrEP.
Questions about your sexual health?
Receive free, province-wide anonymous answers to questions about your sexual health and referrals to local services. Call 416-392-2437 or 1-800-668-2437 to speak to a counsellor in one of 15 languages or chat online through their website (service only available in English).
Get the information you need to know from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to contraception and fertility.
Resources for different communities affected by HIV:
This pamphlet from the Women and HIV/AIDS Initiative (WHAI) provides a brief overview of common questions women have about PrEP.
The Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance developed this comprehensive resource on different HIV prevention methods for gay, bi and other men who have sex with men.